Paul Askenas.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Drakula halála
Also known as [The Death of Dracula]
(1921) Hungary
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Károly Lajthay
Cast: Paul Askenas [Drakula], [?] Lene Myl or Margit Lux? [Mary Land], Elemér Thury (orvos) [the doctor], Lajos Réthey [the fake doctor], Aladar Ihasz [the assistant], Karl Gotz [the funny man], Dezso Kertész [George], Lajos Szalkay, Zoltán Dezsõ, Károly Hatvani, Oszkár Perczel, Anna Marie Hegener, Paula Kendc, Magda Sonia, Bela Timar
Corvin-filmgyár production; distributed by [?] Corvin-filmgyár? / Scenario by [?] Károly Lajthay and Mihály Kertész (Michael Curtiz)?, from the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker. Cinematography by Eduard Hoesch. / Premiered February 1921 in Vienna, Austria. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The first film adaptation of Stoker’s vampire novel. The novel was subsequently filmed as Nosferatu, eine Symphone des Grauens (1922).
Drama: Horror.
Survival status: The film is presumed lost.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Keywords: Authors: Bram Stoker - Vampires
Listing updated: 3 April 2015.
References: Additional information provided by Gerzson Szentes.