Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
Fighting the Red-Skins
Also known as The Liberty Boys of ’76 in “Fighting the Red-Skins” in the USA : {Fighting the Redskins}
(1916) United States of America
B&W : [?] Two reels?
Directed by John Raymond
Cast: Rex Archer [Dick Slater], Grace Durkin [Sue West], George Williams [Donald West], Billy Baker [Buddy West], Jack McLean [Jack Morrison], Rusty Lane [Patsy Brannigan], Chief Silver Moon [Red Fox], Jim Deer [Eagle Eye], Starr Jones [Running Deer]
[?] Boys of ’76 Film Corporation? production; distributed by Boys of ’76 Film Corporation. / Art direction by Joseph Bannon. Photography (cinematography) by C.W. Downs. Film editor, Helene Turner. Titled (intertitles written) by Adrian Johnson. Presented by James F. Sammon. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Produced by German interests during the First World War to generate anti-British sentiment. The first film in the “Liberty Boys of ’76” series; followed by In the Hands of the Enemy (1916). The film series was withdrawn from distribution after America entered the war.
Drama: Historical: Western.
Survival status: Prints exist in private film collections [16mm reduction positives].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Native Americans: Iroquois tribe
Listing updated: 17 May 2012.
References: Film credits.