Herschel Mayall, Howard Hickman and Clara Williams.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Man from Oregon
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by Reginald Barker and Walter Edwards
Cast: Howard Hickman [‘Honest’ Jim Martin], Clara Williams [Harriet Lane], Herschel Mayall [William Landers], Fanny Midgley [‘Mother’ Martin], Joseph J. Dowling, J. Barney Sherry
New York Motion Picture Corporation production; distributed by Mutual Film Corporation [Mutual Masterpicture]. / Produced by Thomas H. Ince. Scenario by C. Gardner Sullivan. / Released 16 September 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Working title: The Lobbyist.
Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? “Honest Jim” Martin is elected by popular vote to the U.S. Senate in the fight against the Railway Land-Grab Bill. When Jim goes to Washington his mother accompanies him. At the first reception of the season, Jim is introduced to Harriet Lane, the most dangerous woman in the Capital, by Wm. Landers, chief of the secret railway lobby. Harriet is a lobbyist and is supposed to win the votes of the senators for the Land-Grab Bill. Jim becomes fascinated by Harriet’s wit and beauty and she and Landers set a snare for him. Harriet writes him that she is in great trouble and asks him to call at her hotel. In his sympathy for her he places his arm about her and she leans against him, burying her face against his shoulders. As she does this she manages to loosen her hair, which falls in a tangled mass over her shoulders. She also disarranged her waist, giving evidence of a struggle having taken place between herself and Jim. While they are in this position Landers snaps their picture from a curtained doorway where he is concealed. He then confronts Jim and tells him that the negative will be given the newspapers if Jim doesn’t give them his vote. Jim leaves the hotel in no pleasant frame of mind, first telling Harriet of his scorn for her. Harriet, who has become friendly with Jim’s mother, is very unhappy because of the part she has been obliged to play and when Mother Martin calls on her that afternoon, bringing her a pie which she has baked herself for Harriet’s birthday, Harriet determines to get the negatives from Landers and destroy them. To do this, she goes to Lander’s office that night and unable to open the safe, because Landers has anticipated some such move on her part and changed the combination, she telephones to police headquarters and asks them to send up an expert to open the safe. This is done and while Harriet and the expert are still in the office (Harriet with the negatives in her hand) Landers enters and snatches the negatives from her. He has drawn his pistol and as he stands there talking with the safe expert, Harriet snatches the pistol from his hand and shoots the negatives to pieces as they lay on Lander’s desk. The next day she sends them to Jim with a note telling him that all the evidence the lobby had against him is enclosed and asking him in future to try to live up to his mother’s belief in him.
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 12 November 2022.
References: Tarbox-Lost p. 248 : Website-IMDb.