>  Publications  >  Cinemonkey 15
The Cameraman BD
Cinemonkey 15
Cinemonkey 15
Volume 4, Number 4
Fall 1978
Publication date:
Fall 1978
56 pages
8.5" x 11"
Saddle-stitched white matte-coated book paper
Print run:
1000 copies
Copyright © 1978
by Cinemonkey
(Charles H. Johnson
and D.K. Holm).
All Rights Reserved.

Online version:
Copyright © 2001-2024 
by Carl Bennett. All Rights Reserved.

This issue of Cinemonkey, an international film journal, was the first on which I worked as art director, illustrator and production monkey. I also contributed as a pseudonymous writer. My time with the magazine was a pleasure but far too brief, for it died a inauspicious death in 1980.

Cover design: Carl Bennett.


By N.O. Grace
—Coming soon.

Rules of the Game: Martin Scorsese’s Mean Streets
By Rick Hermann
Awaiting reprint authorization.

Jean-Luc Godard and Jean-Pierre Gorin’s Letter to Jane
Transcription of the film, with an afterword by William Cadbury
Awaiting reprint authorization.

Contemporary Film Noir: Questing in Chinatown’s Maze
By Dana Benelli
Awaiting reprint authorization.

Pretty Boring:
A graphic review of Louis Malle’s Pretty Baby

By D.K. Holm and Carl Bennett

Bulle Ogier: An Appreciation
By Gloria Heifetz
—Coming soon.

Mizoguchi: Two ‘Late’ Films, A Geisha and Princess Yang Kwei Fei
By David Coursen
Awaiting reprint authorization.

The Moral Universe of Hitchcock’s Spellbound
By Thomas Hyde
Awaiting reprint authorization.

Dispatches from Occupied Hollywood
By Phillip Blomberg
Awaiting reprint authorization.

By Ken Alakine, Gabriel Conroy, David Coursen, Daniel DePrez (coming soon), N.O. Grace (coming soon), Gloria Heifetz (coming soon), D.K. Holm (coming soon), Johannes Lucas and David Waich (coming soon).
Awaiting reprint authorization.

By Gabriel Conroy, David Coursen and Daniel DePrez (coming soon).
Awaiting reprint authorization.

By Daniel DePrez
—Coming soon.

Recueillement: How Do You Love a Film
By Johannes Lucas
—Coming soon.